Video : Four ways of creating an object in JavaScript

There are four ways an object can be created in JavaScript

  1. object as a literal
  2. Using the new operator, also knows as constructor invocation pattern
  3. Using the Object.create() method
  4. Using the class starting ES6

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Source Code :

// Fours ways of creating an object in JavaScript
// 1. object as a literal
var car = {
model: 'bmw',
color: 'red',
price: 2000,
engine : {
type :'petrol',
power : 120
car.owner = 'foo';
Object.defineProperty(car, "yearmade", {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
value: 1984
// 2. using the new operator a.k.s Constructor Invocation Pattern
function Car(model, color) {
this.model = model;
this.color = color;
Object.defineProperty(this, "yearmade", {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
value: 1984
var c1 = new Car('BMW','Red');
var c2 = new Car('Audi','Black');
// 3 using the Object.create() method
//it allows you to create an object from an existing object
var Car1 = {
model: 'BMW',
color: 'red'
var ElectricCar = Object.create(Car1,{ym:{
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
value: 1984
//console.log(ElectricCar.ym); // BMW
// 4 using the class starting ES6
class Car3 {
constructor(maker, price) {
this.maker = maker;
this.price = price;
getInfo() {
console.log(this.maker + " costs : " + this.price);
var carobj1 = new Car3('BMW',2000);

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