LINQ to SharePoint: CRUD operation on SharePoint 2010 list using SPLinq


In this article, we will see how to work with LINQ to SharePoint. I have tried to address all the common errors we encounter when first time we start using LINQ against SharePoint.

We will see ,

1. How to insert an item in SharePoint list using SPLinq

2. How to update an item in SharePoint list using SPLinq

3. How to delete an item in SharePoint list using SPLinq

4. How to fetch items from SharePoint list using SPLinq.


1. SPLinq supports visual studio intellisense

2. SPLinq provides strong typecasting and data typing

3. SPLinq works without CAML query.

4. Using SPLinq , existing knowledge of LINQ could be apply to SharePoint development .

5. SPLinq provides completely language dependent development of SharePoint

6. Multiple list item insertion and deletion can be performed very easily with one syntax.

7. Join operation can be performed very easily on the related list

Using CAML when performing operation against SharePoint list was biggest challenge. CAML does not provide developer friendly syntaxes. SPLinq helps us to get rid of CAML.

SPLinq can be used with

1. Managed application , like windows or console or WPF

2. With SharePoint client object models.

3. With SharePoint webparts.

4. With SPGridView.


The main challenge working with SPLInq is creation of entity class on command prompt. SPMetal creates a partial Entity class to apply Linq against that.


We have a custom list

1. Name of the list is Test_Product.

2. Columns of the list is as below ,


3. There are two items in the list


4. URL of the SharePoint site is


Now we need to fetch the list items in a managed console application using Linq to Sharepoint or SPLinq.

Follow the below steps,


Open the command prompt and change directory to

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN

Type command CD C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN



Now we need to create the class for corresponding list definitions.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN> spme

tal.exe /web:http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1 /namespace:nwind /code:Product.cs

In above command we are passing few parameters to spmetal.exe, they are as below

1. /web:Url

Here we need to provide URL of SharePoint site

/web:http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1 /

://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1 / is URL of SharePoint site, I created for myself. You need to provide your SharePoint site URL here.

2. /namespace:nwind

This would be the namespace under which class of the list will get created. In my case name of the namespace would be nwind.

3. /code:Product.cs

This is the file name of the generated class. Since we are giving name Product for the file then class generated will be ProductDataContext


Open visual studio and create a new project of type console. Right click on the Project and select Properties


Click on the Build tab and change Platform Target to Any CPU.


Click on the Application tab and change the Target framework type to .Net Framework 3.5



The class we created in Step2 will by default get saved in the same folder with SPMetal.exe. So to see where the class got created we need to navigate to folder

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN

Add created class to the Project

Now add this class to the project. To do this, right click on the project and select Add existing item. Then browse to above path and select Product.cs

Add references to the Project



Right click on Reference and select Add Reference. To locate Microsoft.SharePoint and Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq dll browse to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI. All the SharePoint dll are here in this location.


Add the namespace


Nwind is the name of the namespace of the class we created in Step2.

Now console application project is ready for the CRUD operation on SharePoint 2010 list using SPLinq

Fetch the items from list using SPLinq

a. First we need to create instance of ProductContext class


Here we need to provide URL of the SharePoint site as parameter to constructor.

b. Now we can apply simple LINQ to access the list, like below.


c. There is one more way to access the list


Code for fetching list items

ProductDataContext context = new ProductDataContext("<a href="http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1">http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1</a>");
 var result = from r in context.Test1_Product select r;
 foreach (var r in result)
 Console.WriteLine(r.ProductId + ":" + r.ProductName + ":" + r.ProductPrice);



Insert to SharePoint list using SPLinq

1. Create the instance of Data Context


2. Get the entity list where item would get inserted


3. Create instance of List item to be inserted


4. Call the InsertOnsubmit on the instance of Entity list.


5. Call sumitchange on the context


Code for inserting a list item

ProductDataContext context = new ProductDataContext("<a href="http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1">http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1</a>");
 EntityList<Test1_ProductItem> products = context.GetList<Test1_ProductItem>("Test1_Product");
 Test1_ProductItem itemToInsert = new Test1_ProductItem()
 ProductId = "9",
 ProductName = "Soccer Ball",
 ProductPrice = 600

Update a Particular list item in SharePoint list

1. Create instance of Data Context


2. Fetch the list item to be updated using SPLInq


3. Modify the list item property wished to be updated. I am updating Product name to Dhananjay of Product Id 1


4. Call the submit change on the context


Code for updating a list item

ProductDataContext context = new ProductDataContext("<a href="http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1">http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1</a>");
 var itemToUpdate = (from r in context.Test1_Product where r.ProductId == "1" select r).First();
 itemToUpdate.ProductName = "Dhananjay";

Delete a Particular item from the list

1. Create the instance of Data Context


2. Get the entity list where item would get inserted


3. Fetch the list item to be deleted using SPLInq


4. Call deleteonsubmit to delete a particular item from SharePoint list


5. Call the submit change on the context


Code for deleting a list item

ProductDataContext context = new ProductDataContext("<a href="http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1">http://dhananjay-pc/my/personal/Test1</a>");
 EntityList<Test1_ProductItem> products = context.GetList<Test1_ProductItem>("Test1_Product");
 var itemToDelete = (from r in context.Test1_Product where r.ProductId == "1" select r).First();

8 responses to “LINQ to SharePoint: CRUD operation on SharePoint 2010 list using SPLinq”

  1. Good article

  2. This is one of the best article so far I have read online. Its just neat and clean code and easily understandable. Its really helpful for beginner as well as experienced person. Thanks for sharing with us. Here I would like to share one post link which I have found over the internet. This link having a wonderful explanation on using linq to access sharepoint list data….. that link is…


  3. […] add items to a list in bulk, or remove them in bulk. Well to do that you can use SPLinq, Server Object Model and … web.ProcessBatchData, which is the most […]

  4. This article is really helpful in understanding Linq to Sharepoint for beginners. I found this really helpful.

  5. While using the object model, when we add a new SPListItem using item.Update(), the ID of that SPList Item gets updated, hence we can use it further.
    In the above approach, is there any mechanism to give us the ID of the item which was added? Without calling the GetList method again??

  6. Great Work . Really more benefit for a beginners like me . Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us

  7. This seems to require a development machine with SharePoint installed to work with the generated code. Can the resulting application run on a non-SharePoint machine? i.e., Could you run your console app on a Windows XP PC?

  8. In summary, find the entity that will be your foreign key using Linq to SharePoint and in your insert operation add the retrieved entity to your insert.

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