Can you answer these 10 basic Knockout Questions?

Q1. KO performs following operations


  1. Automatic Refresh
  2. Two way Binding
  3. Templating
  4. All of the above


Q2. On which event bindings in KO fire notification


  1. Change event
  2. Update event
  3. On Any event
  4. None of the above


Q3. Value of computed observable is determined at

  1. Time of creation
  2. Time of update
  3. Time of DOM loading
  4. Depends on implementation


Q4. ko.toJSON is used for following purpose


  1. convert objects that include observables to a JSON string
  2. to convert string to object
  3. to consume JSON service
  4. to consume any service


Q5. How we can add reference of KO in project


  1. using local reference
  2. using CDN
  3. using Nuget package
  4. all of the above


Q6. On which value of ViewModel property visible binding will be set to block?


  1. Null
  2. Undefined
  3. Zero
  4. All of the above


Q7. ViewModel can be created as


  1. Object literal
  2. Function
  3. Both
  4. None of the above


Q8. Click binding can be bind to what kind of property in ViewModel


  1. Function
  2. Boolean
  3. Array
  4. All of the above


Q9. For what purpose we use foreach binding in KO


  1. To duplicates section of markup for each entry in array
  2. To duplicates section of markup for each entry in ViewModel
  3. To duplicates section of markup for each entry in Model
  4. None of the above


Q10. The Value binding should be used with

  1. <input> , <select> , <textarea>
  2. <span>, <div>
  3. <radiobutton> <table>
  4. All of the above combination

4 responses to “Can you answer these 10 basic Knockout Questions?”

  1. Q1. 4
    Q2. 1
    Q3. 4
    Q4. 1
    Q5. 4
    Q6. 4
    Q7. 3
    Q8. 1
    Q9. 2
    Q10. 1

  2. Yes , my answers are below:
    1=> 4. All of the above
    2=> 1. Change event
    3=> 2. Time of Creation
    4=> 1. convert objects that include observables to a JSON string
    5=> 4. all of the above
    6=> None (I think the visiblity would set to block, if value is > 0, true )
    7=> 3. Both
    8=> 1. Function
    9=> 1. To duplicates section of markup for each entry in array
    10=> 1. , ,

    Please let me know if i am wrong somewhere……

  3. […] Can you answer these 10 basic Knockout Questions? and How to access functionality from various JS files in Node.js (Dhananjay Kumar) […]

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