Getting URL of current page in Windows Phone dynamically through code

Have you ever come across the requirement to fetch the URL of content current displaying on? Let us say there are 5 pages in your application and user is navigating across them. At any point of time if you want to fetch the URL of current page you can very much do that.


Above line of code will fetch URL of current page.

Imagine a scenario in which you need to fetch current page while deactivating the application. So you may do that as below,


private void Application_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivatedEventArgs e)
            Uri currentUri = ((App)Application.Current).RootFrame.CurrentSource;


This was all about getting the current page URL in Windows Phone application. I hope this quick post was useful. Thanks for reading Smile

2 responses to “Getting URL of current page in Windows Phone dynamically through code”

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    – Pallab R.

  2. […] Getting URL of current page in Windows Phone dynamically through code […]

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